Multiple ways to accept payments and shipments

Give your customers a wide variety of options for payment as well as for receiving shipment of their products.

Fast and secure payments


In addition to being able to accept fully customizable manual payments, you can choose from Square and more than 50 other payment options to accept credit card payments quickly and securely.

Security you can trust

PagoYa! is a PCI DSS-validated Level 1 service provider, the latest standard for e-commerce solutions worldwide. All transaction and credit card data is transmitted over the same secure HTTPS protocols used by the world’s largest exchanges, so merchant and customer data is always kept secure.

Shipments that work for you

Personal pick-up

Add a boulevard, car or in-store pickup. Specify your business hours and pickup location, and add brief directions on the pickup process for your customers.


Local delivery

Make local deliveries on your own, or outsource delivery to services you trust.

Start your online store today!